Thursday, March 31, 2011
Is the scent of comeback in the air?
Bill Moyers’ retirement from weekly television last year may not last long. He has received preliminary approval for a major grant to return to PBS with a half-hour show with the working title “Something Different With Bill Moyers.”We hope that we will see Mr. Moyers again, soon. His intelligence has been sorely missed on the Tube.
The Carnegie Corporation of New York, in an announcement this week on its Web site (the release has since been changed to remove references to Mr. Moyers), said its board had voted to give Mr. Moyers’ production company a $2 million, 29-month grant for the show.
Susan King, the foundation’s vice president of external relations, said the program was conceived as a venue for bipartisan debate of major issues of the day, like education reform and immigration. She cautioned, however, that even though the grant has been approved by the board, it is not yet final.
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Damnable anti-business Democrats
Support Our Pimps!
Louie the Louse Gohmert was a judge
Seems to me anybody convicted of anything in Judge Louie's court has grounds for reversal because Judge Louie presided.
Two for Thursday
Republican/Teabaggers still aiming for government shutdown
Updates on Libya
Analysts say Foreign Exchange derivatives must be regulated.
Bankster, you have a friend in Justice
The TRAC group1 at Syracuse University gets information from the Justice Department under the Freedom of Information Act, then analyzes it and makes it available online as an interactive database. Here are some interesting findings:Just as in college sports the perennial powerhouse schools play a few patsies in the beginning, so it has been with the Dept of Justice. Unlike college sports, the Dept of Justice has no intention of moving up in class.
More than half of all Federal filings (54%) were for immigration crimes. Then came drug cases, at 16%. Everything else? 30%.
There have been more than 2,000 prosecutions for mortgage fraud since the federal government began tracking these actions in the 2008 fiscal year. How many of these 2,000-plus prosecutions involved the bank executives and others who were responsible for a computerized, systematized foreclosure fraud spree by the big banks? None.
Remember: The sheer number of fraudulent foreclosure activity by banks was so great that an Attorney General Task Force representing all fifty states has been formed to handle it, yet there have been no federal prosecutions of bankers. By contrast, there were more than 1,000 prosecutions after the savings and loan scandal of the 1980's, which had a much smaller financial impact.
And here's another way to look at the government's immigrant fixation: There have been more felony prosecutions for immigration under the first two years of the Obama administration than there were during the entire Presidencies of President Clinton and the first President Bush -- a period of twelve years.
No wonder other forms of crime aren't being pursued rigorously enough.
Rickie Lee Jones
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Lawrence O'Donnell calls Rand Paul a liar
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Nobody front runs Warren Buffett.
David Sokol, once a candidate to succeed Warren Buffett as the head of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), resigned after helping to negotiate the acquisition of a company whose shares he had purchased.Not sure if you can belive that last sentence, but Sokol was one dumb greedy bastard.
Sokol, 54, bought about 96,000 Lubrizol Corp. (LZ) shares before recommending the company as a takeover target, Buffett, Berkshire’s chairman and chief executive officer, said today in a statement. Buffett said he didn’t ask for the resignation and that Sokol’s stock purchases were legal.
Some people will eat any animal that moves
Earlier this month, acting on a tip, DHEC health inspectors found bags of chilled raccoon meat in a cooler at a Gadsden convenience store near Eastover in lower Richland County and told the owner to get rid of them.This could explain much about South Carolina politics.
“This is not something we see even on a rare basis,” said DHEC spokesman Thom Berry, who in his 28 years with the agency could not recall a single time raccoon meat was found in a store cooler.
Raccoon meat is not properly certified by state and federal meat inspectors as being safe for humans to eat, Berry said.
Raccoons are known carriers of the rabies virus, though not all raccoons carry the virus.
Berry said when inspectors made a second visit to the store, the raccoon meat was still on the premises. Inspectors told the operator to put bleach on it and throw it in the trash.
A definition of Shared Sacrifice
Its tough living on $176K plus perks & bennies
The Republican Business Model
When Koch Poodle Scott Walker was elected

Jon Stewart explains foreign policy analysis
North Carolina votes to ban Free Enterprise
The Republican-dominated North Carolina State Assembly this week approved a bill that would prohibit communities from upgrading their internet access, forcing individual municipalities into a private monopoly of managed broadband services by companies like Time Warner and Comcast.It is cheaper to buy lawmakers to ban the competition than it is to compete. The North Carolina Republican/Teabagger Party, handmaiden of Very Big and Generous Business.
Both firms have been restricting the amount of bandwidth users can consume, even though bandwidth itself is not a tangible, meter-able commodity.
The bill, which was heavily supported by telecom giant Time Warner, comes on the heels of several communities successfully launching their own fiber-optic broadband programs. One program in Wilson, North Carolina, called Greenlight, even features speeds up to 100 Megabits-per-second (Mbps) at a lower price than its corporate competitors.
That's because Greenlight is a public utility, instead of a profits-making scheme, that places access and quality of service above harvesting dollars off customers. Instead of focusing on margins or how to impose fees on metered bandwidth use, they're able to focus on simply providing the best the Internet has to offer.
Prior to the arrival of Greenlight, most Internet users in Wilson only had access to 7 Mbps speeds, at a much higher price than the public utility's plans. For about the same price as the slower connection, Greenlight users get access to 20 Mbps speeds, with options to upgrade to 100M.
Republican/Teabaggers continue their march to Recession
An extended federal government shutdown could devastate the U.S. economy by dealing a blow to Americans' confidence, experts said Tuesday.Republicans are suffering such a severe case of Obama Derangement Syndrome that they would willingly do untold damage to the country they say they love (words are cheap) to try and hurt President Obama.
If lawmakers cannot reach agreement on a bill to fund the government by April 8, a broad array of federal programs will come to a halt. Although most shutdown plans remain classified, during the last major federal government shutdown in 1995, certain health services were shut down. Court cases were delayed. And federal workers were furloughed. This time around, some fear low-income families will miss crucial government payments. But there is another consequence that could make all of those challenges far worse: The economy could slip back into recession.
Already, Americans face a host of economic woes. The unemployment rate remains high. Home prices are still falling, aggravating a widespread foreclosure crisis. Oil prices are rising, pushing transportation costs steadily higher and tearing precious resources from the economy.
In this context, a prolonged federal shutdown would drain Americans' confidence in their government, hobbling spending, borrowing and investment -- and pushing the economy toward recession, said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Wisconsin court repeats terms of injunction clearly
For the second time in less than two weeks, a Dane County judge Tuesday issued an order blocking the implementation of Gov. Scott Walker's plan to curb collective bargaining for public workers.The response from the Republicans was delivered by an Assistant Attorney General.
Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi said that her original restraining order issued earlier this month was clear in saying no steps should be take to advance the law. The GOP governor's administration did so after the bill was published Friday by a state agency not named in Sumi's earlier temporary restraining order.
"Further implementation of the act is enjoined," Sumi said.
"Apparently that language was either misunderstood or ignored, but what I said was the further implementation of Act 10 was enjoined. That is what I now want to make crystal clear."
She warned that those who violate her order could face court sanctions.
But outside the courtroom, Assistant Attorney General Steven Means said the legislation "absolutely" is still in effect.In effect he said, Fuck you judge. Time for Her Honor to start throwing some folks in jail for contempt.

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Your Dylan Dally Moment
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Proof of Newticle's irrelevence
Newt Gingrich warned churchgoers on Monday that an unholy (semi-holy?) combination of Islamic theocrats and secular atheists could seize control of the United States within decades.And yea, when that shall come to pass, so shall the fiery torch lie down with the can of gasoline in, arm in arm in peace.
Why Doesn't Your Website Condemn Violent Rhetoric?
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
The Incredible Shrinking Package
A feel good headline
Shares in oil major BP (BP.L) fell 2.0 percent on Tuesday after a media report that the company's managers may face manslaughter charges following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and an analyst downgrade.Somebody knows how to put up a good tease.
U.S. prosecutors are considering whether to pursue manslaughter charges against BP managers for decisions made before the explosion on the rig that killed 11 workers and caused the biggest offshore spill in U.S. history, a report from Bloomberg said, citing people familiar with the matter.
BP has admitted mistakes in the run-up to the rig blast but has denied accusations that it was "grossly negligent", a charge that could add tens of billions to the final bill it pays for the disaster.
Now that Donald Trump is a birther
Why we need Elizabeth Warren and the CFPB
The nation's five largest mortgage firms have saved more than $20 billion since the housing crisis began in 2007 by taking shortcuts in processing troubled borrowers' home loans, according to a confidential presentation prepared for state attorneys general by the nascent consumer bureau inside the Treasury Department.This action by the CFPB will no doubt infuriate the Republican/Teabaggers and cause them to double down on their efforts to destroy anything of value in government. Pity we don't have a president who can fight back.
That estimate suggests large banks have reaped tremendous benefits from under-serving distressed homeowners, a complaint frequent enough among borrowers that federal regulators have begun to acknowledge the industry's fundamental shortcomings.
The dollar figure also provides a basis for regulators' internal discussions regarding how best to penalize Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Ally Financial in a settlement of wide-ranging allegations of wrongful and occasionally illegal foreclosures. People involved in the talks say some regulators want to levy a $5 billion penalty on the five firms, while others seek as much as $30 billion, with most of the money going toward reducing troubled homeowners' mortgage payments and lowering loan balances for underwater borrowers, those who owe more on their home than it's worth.
Imagine Tom Donahue saying something like this
Hiromasa Yonekura, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, said the influential lobby would not fight the government if it decided to shelve a plan to lower the corporate tax rate, which at around 40 percent is among the highest in the industrialized world.In this country, people like Tom Donahue would be whining about how tax cuts would aid the recovery.
Economics Minister Kaoru Yosano suggested last week the government should reconsider the planned tax cut of 5 percentage points from April to prioritize spending on reconstruction and prevent the country's already massive debt pile from growing.
"I don't mind if the government skips cutting the corporate tax rate," Yonekura, who is also chairman of Sumitomo Chemical, told a regular briefing in Tokyo. "Instead I want the government to move swiftly in its recovery efforts."
Has John Stewart reached the end of his rope?
Murphy Can Has Congress
Some Bluesday Music
Monday, March 28, 2011
No Reverse Robin Hood
When corporations leave town
New word for today - Anomaly
The Enhanced Combat Helmet, made of a durable, lightweight plastic, was expected to begin reaching soldiers and Marines by early fall. However, a recently discovered production “anomaly” will likely push back fielding to the first quarter of fiscal 2012...Anomaly, when you absotively, posolutely can not afford to say tried to cut expenses to raise profits.
The helmet has been in development for about two years and is made of a plastic known as ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene. Reilly stressed that although it is a plastic, the material is stronger than what is now in the field.
Four companies submitted five helmet prototypes made with the material in 2009, but all failed testing. In a second round of tests starting last year, two prototypes from Costa Mesa, Calif.-based Ceradyne Inc. passed, but one was the standout.
This helmet was then cleared for low-rate production, and that’s when the “anomaly” was discovered. During production, the company altered the helmet’s curing process, Reilly said, upping the temperature to dry the paint faster. This may have caused a drop in performance during tests, Reilly said, although he declined to say how exactly the helmet was underperforming. There may be other contributing factors, Reilly said, and testing was ongoing.
Your Dylan Dally Moment
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Republican/Teabaggers taking aim at geezers
Talk to your parents and grandparents and be sure and remind them that the best way to keep America strong is to
Trash Conservatives, Not Social Security.
What went wrong with The Kabul Bank?
When a brother and nephew of an Afghan vice president wanted to build up their fuel transport business, they took out a $19 million loan from Kabul Bank. When a brother of the president wanted to start a cement factory, he took out a $2.9 million loan; he also took out $7.9 million for a luxury townhouse in Dubai. When the bank’s chief executive officer wanted to invest in newly built apartments in Kabul, he took almost $18 million.Things are so bad it looks like they will have to kill this golden goose and create another, theoretically with proper safeguards on place. HEY! You over there! Stop laughing!
The terms were hard to beat: no collateral, little or no interest. And repayment optional, at least in practice.
I hope somebody records it
Obama's My Lai Moment
Early last year, after six hard months soldiering in Afghanistan, a group of American infantrymen reached a momentous decision: It was finally time to kill a haji.They are accused of a handful of murders but "the heat of the battle" had nothing to do with their actions, they killed for the thrill. And the Pentagon has begun throwing the enlisted men under the bus to protect the officers.
Among the men of Bravo Company, the notion of killing an Afghan civilian had been the subject of countless conversations, during lunchtime chats and late-night bull sessions. For weeks, they had weighed the ethics of bagging "savages" and debated the probability of getting caught. Some of them agonized over the idea; others were gung-ho from the start. But not long after the New Year, as winter descended on the arid plains of Kandahar Province, they agreed to stop talking and actually pull the trigger.
How long can we let this shitty little war destroy our values and our Army for nothing?
Quote of the Day
We have a deficit problem. It has to be addressed, but it cannot be addressed on the backs of the sick, the elderly, the poor, young people, the most vulnerable in this country. The wealthiest people and the largest corporations in this country have got to contribute. We've got to talk about shared sacrifice.Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, responding to the shameless tax situations of major corporations.
It ain't easy being Willie
In a lengthy telephone conversation, Bramblett, 78, said that when the legendary singer/songwriter swept through his county in November of last year and got busted, he received an unambiguous message from the judge: Get Willie in here.The judge is demanding a song along with the fee for Wllie's punishment.
County Judge Becky Dean Walker, he said, refused to allow Nelson a plea-by-mail, which is typical for misdemeanor marijuana possession cases in some Texas counties.
"She said to me: 'You ain't letting him plead by mail, 'cause I'm not accepting that,'"' Bramblett explained. "I said to her, 'Why?' And she said, ''Cause I want to meet Willie Nelson.'"
The New York Times likes the Book of Mormon
This is to all the doubters and deniers out there, the ones who say that heaven on Broadway does not exist, that it’s only some myth our ancestors dreamed up. I am here to report that a newborn, old-fashioned, pleasure-giving musical has arrived at the Eugene O’Neill Theater, the kind our grandparents told us left them walking on air if not on water. So hie thee hence, nonbelievers (and believers too), to “The Book of Mormon,” and feast upon its sweetness.So don't be a Moroni, hie thee to the Eugene O'Neill Theater.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Big Brother - Republican/Teabagger role model
Where is Peter "The Dumbest King In Congress" King when we need him?
Pottawattamie County Sheriff Jeff Danker said he sent three deputies to the Treynor schools as a precaution, but classes were held without any problems.Yo! Big Dumb Pete! Here is your investigation, right here!
"During the last 24 hours, the Treynor school system has received threats to their employees and buildings due to the planned 'active shooter' exercise," county officials said in a statement.
"After consultation with the Treynor school district and the Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office, we have jointly decided to cancel the exercise due to these threats which we must consider viable. The Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Department is now actively investigating the threats."
Kevin Elwood, superintendent of Treynor school district, said the schools received about 100 emails from across the United States, as well as some angry phone calls.
He said one caller left a particularly disturbing voice-mail message.
"They basically indicated that if we went through with this type of a drill that potentially that type of an incident could become a reality in our school district," Elwood said.
And right in the backyard of the current "Second Dumbest King in Congress"
Sunday classics
No wonder Republican/Teabaggers want to defund it
In 2009, the Internal Revenue Service announced plans to unleash a new enforcement unit called the Global High Wealth Industry, the goal being to better investigate the complex finances of America's wealthiest taxpayers.Much better than the Bushovik deflection of audits toward the lowest earners.
They weren't kidding.
Recently released IRS statistics indicate that the federal government increased their audits of America's richest taxpayers -- those with incomes above $10 million -- by 75 percent last year. Nearly one in five -- 18.5 percent -- of America's richest households dealt with an audit. In 2009, the Global High Wealth Industry's first year of operation, the IRS audited only one in ten of America's richest taxpayers.
Complex tax evasion has become an increasing problem in recent years, with popular strategies including conversion of income into capital gains and stashing cash in Swiss banks.
Audit rates also increased among some lower income brackets, but none so much. The second highest audit increase was among the second highest income bracket: those reporting incomes of $5M-$10M. They saw a 55 percent increase in their audit rate, totaling 11.6 percent. High, but much smaller than the increase experienced by the $10M-plus bracket.
Audits rate for those with incomes between $1-$75K remained largely the same
How to waste $Billions
In February 2006, with roadside bombs killing more and more American soldiers in Iraq, the Pentagon created an agency to defeat the deadly threat and tasked a retired four-star general to run it.But the best methods don't make anyone rich so just keep those glitzy high tech solutions coming in and we will keep throwing good money after bad.
Five years later, the agency has ballooned into a 1,900-employee behemoth and has spent nearly $17 billion on hundreds of initiatives. Yet the technologies it's developed have failed to significantly improve U.S. soldiers' ability to detect unexploded roadside bombs and have never been able to find them at long distances. Indeed, the best detectors remain the low-tech methods: trained dogs, local handlers and soldiers themselves.
Anybody using Firefox 4 yet? know how to stop it? It doesn't happen every time and the insertion point seems very random.
Whyy AT&T sucks but you still pay through the nose for it
The Internet isn't Vegas.
Signs of human life in Oregon
By unanimous vote, the House passed Senate Bill 637, which would allow the state to draw additional federal unemployment money through the end of the year. There are currently 11,876 people participating in the federal extended benefits program, according to the Oregon Employment Department. With the legislation, officials estimate about 50,000 out-of-work Oregonians would qualify by the end of the year.What decent people do to help their neighbors. You could almost call is a christian act.
Under a plan approved by Congress in December, the federal government will pick up all the costs.
The House also endorsed Senate Bill 638, which offers an additional six weeks of state benefits to Oregonians who have been out of work for more than 99 weeks and have exhausted all other benefits, including the federal extensions.
Officials say they plan to contact the estimated 17,500 Oregonians who could be eligible. The Employment Department will spend up to $30 million from the unemployment insurance trust fund to pay for those benefits.
The bill passed, 49-9, but not without emotional debate.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A Sunday Redemption Song
If you don't put a thief in jail
R.I.P. Geraldine Ferraro
Bob Herbert's last column in the New York Times
So here we are pouring shiploads of cash into yet another war, this time in Libya, while simultaneously demolishing school budgets, closing libraries, laying off teachers and police officers, and generally letting the bottom fall out of the quality of life here at home.Thirty years ago Ronald Reagan said it was morning again in America. Well, thanks to St. Ronnie most of us missed noontime but we all get to see the sun racing to the horizon.
Welcome to America in the second decade of the 21st century. An army of long-term unemployed workers is spread across the land, the human fallout from the Great Recession and long years of misguided economic policies. Optimism is in short supply. The few jobs now being created too often pay a pittance, not nearly enough to pry open the doors to a middle-class standard of living...
The U.S. has not just misplaced its priorities. When the most powerful country ever to inhabit the earth finds it so easy to plunge into the horror of warfare but almost impossible to find adequate work for its people or to properly educate its young, it has lost its way entirely.
Bob Reich spotlights Republican/Teabagger lies
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was in town yesterday (specifically, at Stanford's Hoover Institute where he could surround himself with sympathetic Republicans) to tell this whopper: "Cutting the federal deficit will create jobs."Bob is also annoyed at the lack of Democratic pushback against the Republican/Teabagger lies. Perhaps we would all be better served by screaming outrage.
It's not true. Cutting the deficit will creates fewer jobs. Less government spending reduces overall demand. This is particularly worrisome when, as now, consumers and businesses are still holding back. Fewer government workers have paychecks to buy stuff from other Americans, some of whom in turn will lose their jobs without enough customers.
But truth doesn't seem to matter. Republicans figure if their big lies are repeated often enough, people will start to believe them.
Unless, that is, those big lies are repudiated – and big truths are told in their place.
Arizona a gun dealers paradise
Already the bellwether of radical policy, the Arizona legislature is now poised to outdo other GOP-led states in the competition for most extreme gun legislation. Yesterday, a House panel approved a bill to let anybody bring their guns into “public establishments” and “public events.”Because everyone knows that nothing protects the public like a shootout in a full house.
While current law allows public agencies to declare buildings as gun-free zones by “putting a sticker on the door,” SB 1201 will allow public buildings to keep guns out “only if there are metal detectors at each entrance with a security guards.” Without those measures, which can cost over $100,000, anyone may bring in their own gun.
Under the bill, “public establishments” and “public events” include buildings owned or leased by the state (including courts and libraries) and events conducted with a license or permit from a public entity. While the law exempts events or facilities that serve alcohol — making them provide “gun lockers” if they want to ban guns — events without alcohol would likely have to allow firearms without restriction. Such public places would include “major events such as Arizona Cardinals and Phoenix Suns games or rock concerts.” Or, as one major concert promoter noted, “Sesame Street Live” and “Disney On Ice”:
Name that hater
• “. . . Wherever you encounter [non-believers], kill them, seize them, besiege them, wait for them at every lookout post . . .”You can read his column to find the answers.
• “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
• “If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and worship other gods’ . . . do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death.”
• “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”
A new take on an old tune
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bob Herbert to leave the New York Times
We wish Bob Herbert every success in his next endeavour.
Your Dylan Dally Moment
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Talk about being screwed!
Doug Hampton, the former senior aide to Senator John Ensign, Republican of Nevada, was indicted on Thursday for violating a one-year lobbying ban, an unexpected development in a case that only became a subject of a federal criminal investigation after Mr. Hampton himself accused his former boss of instructing him to ignore the lobbying ban.Who is the Justice Dept trying to fool? Hampton is a little fish and Ensign is a big fish. Hampton hasn't got a chance because that is how Holder rolls.
Mr. Hampton is accused of repeatedly contacting Mr. Ensign’s office in 2008 and early 2009 to seek assistance for two Nevada companies that the senator had helped him get lobbying jobs with, after Mr. Ensign was caught having an affair with Mr. Hampton’s wife.
Mr. Ensign, who announced earlier this month that he will not seek re-election in 2012, remains the subject of a Senate Ethics Committee investigation for his handling of the matter. Mr. Ensign’s lawyers have said that he is no longer the subject of a criminal probe, but a Justice Department official would not confirm on Thursday that the probe has ended.
Thud! Dead, Thud! Dead, Thud! Dead....
More information here.
And The Rude Pundit explains if you still don't get it. SFW
Tax Breaks is our most important product
The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.And they are leading the pack in calling for reductions in corporate taxes. They already have the individual tax payer paying the GE share of taxes, what more do they want?
Its American tax bill? None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
That may be hard to fathom for the millions of American business owners and households now preparing their own returns, but low taxes are nothing new for G.E. The company has been cutting the percentage of its American profits paid to the Internal Revenue Service for years, resulting in a far lower rate than at most multinational companies.
Its extraordinary success is based on an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce lobbying for tax breaks and innovative accounting that enables it to concentrate its profits offshore. G.E.’s giant tax department, led by a bow-tied former Treasury official named John Samuels, is often referred to as the world’s best tax law firm. Indeed, the company’s slogan “Imagination at Work” fits this department well. The team includes former officials not just from the Treasury, but also from the I.R.S. and virtually all the tax-writing committees in Congress.
Who better to trash the Constitution than a Constitutional scholar?
The Obama administration has created a new policy that allows investigators to waive Miranda warnings for domestic-terror suspects, even when there is not an "immediate threat," a report said Thursday.Step by step we dismantle what has protected us so well all these years. And far too many people think it is a good idea.
The rule was revealed by an FBI memorandum obtained by The Wall Street Journal. It says that in "exceptional cases," investigators can hold suspects without informing them of their rights.
The policy applies where investigators "conclude that continued unwarned interrogation is necessary to collect valuable and timely intelligence not related to any immediate threat."
A 1966 Supreme Court ruling said that law-enforcement officials must notify suspects of their right to remain silent and have an attorney present for questioning. Another decision, 1n 1984, gave law enforcement the ability to question suspects for a limited time without a Miranda warning where public safety was at stake.
The 1984 exception has been used to justify interrogating domestic-terror suspects for hours without reading them their rights.
With the new rules, that exception has been significantly expanded.
Always be careful what you put in an e-mail
An Indiana prosecutor and Republican activist has resigned after emails show he suggested Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker stage a fake attack on himself to discredit unions protesting his budget repair bill...Let us never forget that this is being done by a person in a position of responsibility. We can only wonder what the irresponsible Republican/Teabaggers are up to.
The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism discovered the email among tens of thousands released to the public last week following a lawsuit by the Isthmus and the Associated Press.
"If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions' cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions," Lam said in his email.
"Currently, the media is painting the union protest as a democratic uprising and failing to mention the role of the DNC and umbrella union organizations in the protest," he continued. "Employing a false flag operation would assist in undercutting any support that the media may be creating in favor of the unions."
Lam resigned from his position after the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism published an article about his email.

How's that austerity thingee working for ya?
Portugal’s government has just fallen in a dispute over austerity proposals. Irish bond yields have topped 10 percent for the first time. And the British government has just marked its economic forecast down and its deficit forecast up.Ooops! But the evidence of other countries should convince the wise solons of DC to drop auterity and tackle the real problems facing us, right?
A serious fiscal plan for America would address the long-run drivers of spending, above all health care costs, and it would almost certainly include some kind of tax increase. But we’re not serious: any talk of using Medicare funds effectively is met with shrieks of “death panels,” and the official G.O.P. position — barely challenged by Democrats — appears to be that nobody should ever pay higher taxes. Instead, all the talk is about short-run spending cuts.But the confidence man is getting rich stealing everything we have worked for.
In short, we have a political climate in which self-styled deficit hawks want to punish the unemployed even as they oppose any action that would address our long-run budget problems. And here’s what we know from experience abroad: The confidence fairy won’t save us from the consequences of our folly.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
It's Official Now
Thursday Night Music
Your Dylan Dally Moment
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Maniac Governor LePage stole candy from children
Republicans are abetting a possible terrorist attack
Lt. Gen. Robert Gard is the star of a series of radio ads targeting Republican leaders in the House and Senate for supporting "deep cuts to the U.S. Government's signature nuclear security program to remove highly enriched uranium and other dangerous nuclear materials from countries in the former Soviet Union and other unstable regions around the world."If only the Republican/Teabaggers had any concern about anything beyoud blaming Democrats.
Gard is a veteran of the Vietnam and Korean wars and a top official at Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, a nonpartisan group (with center-left lean) focused on reducing the spread of nuclear weapons and other threats.
The Center and its sister group, the Council For A Livable World, say the House budget proposal cut Obama's 2011 request for the Energy Department's National Nuclear Security Administration by more than $600 million, nearly a quarter less than what the president requested. And the current short-term budget resolution, which is keeping the government open while lawmakers duke it out over a long-term spending plan, cuts the current White House request for the NNSA by $551 million. Republicans have agreed to the short-term bills only if they include billions of dollars in cuts from the 2010 budget.
The cuts are dangerous, Gard told reporters today. And they don't make any sense considering the GOP's gung-ho national security rhetoric. He wants the Republicans to restore the NNSA funding now -- and to leave it alone in the future.
Today from the Department of Duh!
Can we clone Tony Weiner?
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Dana Milbank agrees with me about Anthony Weiner
Hooray! The comic relief has arrived
She hasn’t officially declared her candidacy, but during an interview with ABC News in Iowa, the tea party darling and staunch conservative Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Batshit Crazy) sure sounded like she was itching for the nation’s top job.Given her slim resume (mangling history, inspiring fact checking) we can only hope her speeches are without script to maximize the entertainment value.
“I’m in for 2012,” Bachmann told Jonathan Karl, “in that I want to be a part of the conversation… But I haven’t made a decision yet to announce, obviously, if I’m a candidate or not, but I’m in for the conversation.”
CNN reported Thursday that Bachmann was forming a presidential exploratory committee and, citing one anonymous source close to her, added that she would announce her bid for the Republican nomination around June.
Despite a 2 in 5 chance of catching Teh Gay in Hollywood
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Double Cenk shot tonight
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Jimmy the Pimp O'Keefe has $50K past due
Maniac Governor wants business friendly Dept of Labor
Pity poor Harold Rogers
“I ran to be head chef, but I wound up taking charge of the latrines,” said Mr. Rogers, 73, whose panel’s members now sometimes refer to it as the Disappropriations Committee.Timing is everything.
Looks like a good idea
Neither side of the conflict can hope to vanquish the other through force. Meanwhile, public support in Western countries for keeping troops in Afghanistan has fallen. The Afghan people are weary of a long and debilitating war.Neither side will find themselves in a better position than now to find a mutually acceptable end. And it is a safe bet that neither side has sense enough to see it.
For their part, the Taliban have encountered resistance from Afghans who are not part of their dedicated base when they have tried to impose their stern moral code. International aid has improved living standards among Afghans in areas not under Taliban control. That has placed new pressure on the Taliban, as has an increasing ambivalence toward the Taliban in Pakistan.
The stalemate can be resolved only with a negotiated political settlement involving President Hamid Karzai’s government and its allies, the Taliban and its supporters in Pakistan, and other regional and international parties. The United States has been holding back from direct negotiations, hoping the ground war will shift decisively in its favor. But we believe the best moment to start the process toward reconciliation is now, while force levels are near their peak.
For the insurgents, the prospects for negotiating a share of national power are not likely to improve by waiting until the United States withdraws most combat forces by the end of 2014; on the contrary, the possibility that Americans might find a way to maintain an enduring military presence past 2014 suggests that perhaps the only way they can truly get the Americans out is with a negotiated settlement.
Bank of America is still insolvent
Republicans, the Pre-Enlightenment Party
...a crazy third world dictator.
R.I.P. Elizabeth Taylor
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Good thing there were no hostiles nearby
Your Daily Cenk Shot
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An American's Song
At home and abroad
Haley makes his first move
R.I.P. Pinetop Perkins
One US jet down
The continuing segregation in our schools
Educators know that it is very difficult to get consistently good results in schools characterized by high concentrations of poverty. The best teachers tend to avoid such schools. Expectations regarding student achievement are frequently much lower, and there are lower levels of parental involvement. These, of course, are the very schools in which so many black and Hispanic children are enrolled.And none of the people who can solve this problem want to be part of the solution. Perhaps the increases in economic segregation being fostered by Republican/Teabaggers will produce some trueracial integration as more and more whites sink into poverty.
Breaking up these toxic concentrations of poverty would seem to be a logical and worthy goal. Long years of evidence show that poor kids of all ethnic backgrounds do better academically when they go to school with their more affluent — that is, middle class — peers. But when the poor kids are black or Hispanic, that means racial and ethnic integration in the schools. Despite all the babble about a postracial America, that has been off the table for a long time.
More than a half-century after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education school desegregation ruling, we are still trying as a country to validate and justify the discredited concept of separate but equal schools — the very idea supposedly overturned by Brown v. Board when it declared, “Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.”
Schools are no longer legally segregated, but because of residential patterns, housing discrimination, economic disparities and long-held custom, they most emphatically are in reality.
Leave no corner of the earth unspoiled,
Thousands of endangered penguins have been coated with oil after a cargo ship ran aground and broke up on a remote British South Atlantic territory, officials and conservationists said Tuesday.A group of islands in the middle of No Fucking Where are despoiled by a ship that isn't even going there.
The shipwreck also threatens the lobster fishery that provides a livelihood to one of the world's most isolated communities.
The Malta-registered MS Olivia was grounded on Nightingale Island in the Tristan da Cunha chain last week. The ship had been traveling from Brazil to Singapore and contained 1,500 tonnes (1,650 tons) of crude oil and a cargo of 60,000 tonnes (66,000 tons) of soya beans.
Another fucking war!!
Arizona GOMP passes paranoid anti abortion bill
Monday, March 21, 2011
Your Daily Cenk Shot
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Your Dylan Dally Moment
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