Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Now that Donald Trump is a birther

It is only right and fair that, if he wants to be president, he produce his birth certificate, right? Well, The Donald did so for Newsmax which made a copy available online. There is only one small problem, the form provided is not an official New York City birth certificate. Turns out it is a hospital souvenir and not the official Health Department certificate. Ooops! Based on the way he combs his hair, anthropologists are combing the world to determine where he actually was born.

It is so obvious that he was not born in the USA. Because if he was born in this country it would not be such a big deal to just produce the birth certificate. So if he produced his real birth certificate he knows it would disqualify him as President. This is simple logic. If he had nothing to hide he would have produced the birth certificate when first asked.
You are being a little hard on The Donald. It is true he is not qualified to be president, but he probably was born in the US.

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