Friday, March 25, 2011

Talk about being screwed!

First your boss and best friend usurps your conjugal rights. Then, as part of his "attempt" to help you, post adultery, he sets you up for indictment while he walks, scott free.
Doug Hampton, the former senior aide to Senator John Ensign, Republican of Nevada, was indicted on Thursday for violating a one-year lobbying ban, an unexpected development in a case that only became a subject of a federal criminal investigation after Mr. Hampton himself accused his former boss of instructing him to ignore the lobbying ban.

Mr. Hampton is accused of repeatedly contacting Mr. Ensign’s office in 2008 and early 2009 to seek assistance for two Nevada companies that the senator had helped him get lobbying jobs with, after Mr. Ensign was caught having an affair with Mr. Hampton’s wife.

Mr. Ensign, who announced earlier this month that he will not seek re-election in 2012, remains the subject of a Senate Ethics Committee investigation for his handling of the matter. Mr. Ensign’s lawyers have said that he is no longer the subject of a criminal probe, but a Justice Department official would not confirm on Thursday that the probe has ended.
Who is the Justice Dept trying to fool? Hampton is a little fish and Ensign is a big fish. Hampton hasn't got a chance because that is how Holder rolls.


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