Tuesday, September 20, 2016

When you tell me....

Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station has a perfect response to a commenter on his Facebook page about one of his posts. He carefully explains who and how he chose the side he is on.
See, here's the thing: I'm partisan because people like this commenter MADE me that way. 
You demanded that I choose.
Oh yes, you did. 
When you attack my friends for their sex or sexual orientation or their identity or their race or the color of their skin or who they love, then you force me to take a side. You or them. 
When you attempt to force your religion on me, or onto my friends, or upon others against their will -- and that's exactly what you're doing when you try to pass laws governing reproduction and women's bodies and who can use what bathroom and who can get married and let's not waste my time pretending otherwise -- then you force me to take a side. 
When you attempt to force your religion on me, force it into my life against my will, force me to kneel down before your god when you yourself steadfastly and petulantly refuse to adhere to your own prophet's order to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, heal the sick, do unto others, judge not, and look to the beam in your own eye first, when you demand I live up to the tenets of your religion when you will not, then you force me to take a side. 
When you attempt to force your religion onto me by fiat, when you attempt to force your miserable god onto my children, force your ridiculous beliefs into my schools as some kind of disingenuous quackery masquerading as science, then you force me to take a side. 
When you turn dogs loose on peaceful protestors, you force me to take a side.
There is much more and I admit he speaks for me on every point.

For me too and the differences are so striking and negative for the country I have come to the point just don't want to interact with them in any way - so called friends/relatives included.

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