Monday, November 16, 2015

When you take the Dumbest King in Congress

And you join him together with the meanest slimeball in Texas, you have a mess that only a Teabagger could love. And that is what happened when Steve "Melon Thighs" King of Iowa threw his support to Cuban Heel Ted Cruz.
Representative Steve King of Iowa, a hard-right conservative in the state with the first nominating contest, threw his support behind Senator Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination on Monday, calling him the “answer to my prayers.’’

Mr. King, known nationally for polarizing comments about illegal immigrants, offered his endorsement at a moment when Mr. Cruz and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida are engaged in a high-profile fight over their past positions on immigration, a resonant issue among conservatives in Iowa.

Mr. Cruz, of Texas, has called Mr. Rubio’s support of a 2013 Senate reform bill as an effort to “jam this amnesty” down Americans’ throats. Mr. Rubio, who has backed off supporting a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country, has fired back that Mr. Cruz at the time supported legal status for the undocumented workers, which conservatives also consider amnesty.

Mr. King, who has introduced bills to revoke birthright citizenship for the children of undocumented immigrants, said, “I hope this endorsement does add clarity to Ted Cruz’s position on immigration and any of his competitors blurring his position.’’

Under President Obama, Mr. King said, “We’ve watched as our already porous border was turned into a 2,000-mile-long neon sign that flashes for free health care, free education, free housing, free food and free Obamaphones.’’

Mr. King said Mr. Cruz was best suited to be the party’s nominee because he has proved he can raise lots of money; he will win some support from the establishment wing of the party; and, especially, because he will energize “constitutional Christian conservatives,’’ which he called the party’s largest group.
Probably the only thing more repugnant that the vast mountains and lagoons of manure in Iowa is Steve King. He and Ted should get along just fine. It is the people of Iowa and Texas and the rest of the country who suffer.


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