Thursday, January 29, 2015

16 Million Children

In what is supposed to be the richest country in the world, having 16 Million Children rely on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, commonly called food stamps, would be a horrible shame to normal people. But the Republican Party that now controls the purse strings of this country is not composed of normal people.
Republicans in Congress have sought to cut back on the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program or food stamp program as part of a larger plan to balance the budget.

Early last year lawmakers proposed $40 billion in cuts from the program over 10 years. The final farm bill signed into law trimmed $8.6 billion from the program, eliminating benefits for about 850,000 people, according to estimates by anti-hunger advocates.

While the nationwide employment outlook has improved somewhat in recent years, food banks around the country are reporting soaring levels of food insecurity and demand for emergency food assistance.

That is due in part to other recent cuts to food stamps, including a $5 billion across-the-board cut that took effect on Nov. 1, 2013. An additional $6 billion in automatic cuts are expected to occur over the next two years.
Reduce the number of children dependent on SNAP benefits by reducing the funding so they don't receive any. Then they can say they reduced the number of children who rely on SNAP. Oh, if only they were fetuses again!


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