Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Pope Frank tells creationists to piss off
Once again Pope Francis is proving to be the man the Catholic Church needs to set it on the road to redemption. His latest remarks are in support on evolution and the Big Bang Theory, the real one not the TV show.
I have previously discussed my admiration for Pope Francis, who strikes me as a truly holy man in every true sense of that term. Francis has pulled the Church into the Twenty-First Century with massive reforms and new approaches. This week saw one of the most remarkable such changes: Pope Francis announced that it is perfectly consistent to be a Catholic and an evolutionist. For many Catholics who cannot deny the evidence that the Earth is billions rather than thousands of years old, the announcement shows that it is possible to believe in both God and evolution.And I'll bet the conservative bishops are wailing about the Pope's decision not to sleep in the traditional bedroom, where the conservatives could give him the "Pillow Cure" as they did to Pope John Paul 1.
Pope Francis declared that the Big Bang theory “doesn’t contradict the intervention of a divine Creator, but demands it.” The comment came at the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, gathered in the Vatican to discuss “Evolving Concepts of Nature.” Francis said that the creator “brought all things into being . . . from a supreme Principle of creative love.” He added that “[e]volution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.”
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