Saturday, March 16, 2013

Remember The Nuns On The Bus?

The group that faced off against the reactionary US Catholic Bishops regarding much of election years politics. One bone of contention was the so-called Ryan Budget, not really a budget but a wish list of tax cuts for the wealthy and social program cuts and tax increases for most Americans. Because Lyin' Ryan made much of his Catholicism, the nuns appealed to him to practice his alleged faith. As it turned out, he prayed more at the altar of Ayn Rand than at the cathedral. The nuns are hoping to make one more appeal.
A nun with the Catholic social justice group NETWORK Lobby said in an interview with Raw Story on Friday that she was encouraged by the new pope’s emphasis on income inequality, and her “secret dream” was for Pope Francis to write a letter to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) about his “extremely unjust” budget.

“I guess one of my secret dreams would be to invite Pope Francis to write a letter to Paul Ryan about his budget. I think Paul Ryan’s budget, for one thing, strongly increases the wealth gap. And I think that’s something that Pope Francis would be very opposed to,” Sister Marge Clark, NETWORK’S lobbyist on domestic human needs, told Raw Story.

NETWORK has been a strong voice against income inequality and organized a “Nuns on the Bus” tour last year to bring attention to the fact that Ryan’s 2012 budget, which similarly cut programs for the poor while expanding tax cuts for the wealthy went against Catholic teachings.

Clark described Ryan’s budget this year as “extremely unjust.”
Francis the Talking Pope has made this one of his areas of deep concern, I hope she can make a connection with him.


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