Friday, March 15, 2013

Ignorant Buffoon Paul Ryan speaks at CPAC

And by all accounts it was as deep as a reflecting pool and as substantial as a baby fart. Despite a lot of people trying to dress up Ryan in undeserved raiment, he has always been a lightweight. His pretty boy demeanor and glib manner have been used by others to advance ideas that no one else wanted to be associated with and he never showed any comprehension of what he was really doing.
At CPAC, Ryan attacked the Senate Democrats’ budget, “You know, this has been a really big week. We got white smoke from the Vatican, and a budget from the Senate. The Senate, they call their budget a foundation for growth, restoring the promise for American opportunity. Wow, I feel like saluting already, but when you read it, you find the Vatican isn’t the only place blowing smoke this week. You see the Democrats, they call their budget a balanced approach. The thing is, they never balance the budget ever. In fact, they call for another trillion dollar plus tax hike on top of even more spending. If we did nothing, meaning not pass their budget, the government would save money.”

The rest of Ryan’s defense of his budget was almost word for word taken from lines that he used last year as Mitt Romney’s running mate. The so called ‘numbers guy’ ignored several realities about his own budget. Paul Ryan’s budget is predicated on the big lie that Obamacare adds to the deficit. Ryan has admitted that his entire budget implodes if Obamacare isn’t repealed. Not only does his budget not balance, it isn’t even based in reality.
Paul Ryan truly is a Potemkin person and in no way deserves the adulation of the ignorant he takes as his due.


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