Saturday, March 23, 2013

A man of low moral character

Is probably the best way to describe Pat Roberts, the mean spirited Senator from Kansas. His latest act of spite concerns the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Though his military service predated Viet Nam, his morality seems to have been derived from that war. His latest efforts call for cutting food stamps to save the program. Kinda like destroying the village to save it.
Once hailed as the savior of food stamps, Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts has introduced a bill to cut $36 billion from the federal aid program over 10 years.

Up for re-election in 2014, the Republican says he’s trying to offer an alternative to both a budget proposal on the right that would effectively dismantle the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and another on the left that offers no savings at all.

Roberts said in an interview that the program must reform now or face more drastic changes down the road. “We have a program that could self-implode if we’re not careful. I don’t want to see that happen,” he said.

But critics complain that Roberts’ legislation would reduce or eliminate benefits for millions of needy Americans at a time when many still struggle to make ends meet in a weakened economy.

“Every one of the provisions in the bill would have detrimental impact on those who need help,” said Joanna Sebelien, chief resource officer for Harvesters: Community Food Network, a Kansas City, Mo., food bank. “It’s just so, so frustrating.”
I hope you noticed that he is up for re-election in '14. He is probably scared shitless about a Teabagger primary. Poor little man would rather hurt millions of people, including farmers in his own state rather than stand up to a small claque of cowards and bullys. Definately a man of low moral character.


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