Sunday, January 27, 2013

We know Gen. Jerry Boykin is afraid of Muslims

And speaking today on Fux Nooz he revealed that he is also afraid of women.
An anti-Muslim retired lieutenant general says that he would not want to serve in a combat role with women because “personal hygiene and the other normal functions” are already “degrading and humiliating enough” without having the opposite gender on the battlefield.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, host Chris Wallace asked retired Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin why he disagreed with the Pentagon’s decision to remove the ban on women in combat.

“You need to frame this thing correctly,” Boykin explained. “It’s not an issue of women in combat. Women are in combat already and have been in combat since 9/11, and in fact, prior to that.”

“My issue here is mixing the genders in infantry units, armor units and special forces units is not a positive, there are many distractors there, which puts burden on the small-unit combat leaders and actually creates an environment — because of their living conditions — that is not conducive to readiness.”
Jerry was a junior birdman, those guys who killed from the sky and slept in clean sheets every night. From these remarks and previous one, it is obvious that one day, like Icarus. he flew to close to the Sun and his brain melted.


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