Friday, November 16, 2012

I guess if you believe in God, no fairy tale is too outlandish.

And Bryan Fischer of the notorious hate group American Family Association has a new fairy tale that tops them all.
The director of issues analysis of a conservative fundamentalist Christian organization on Thursday asserted that the terrorists who attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 were actually “the agents of God’s wrath” because they prompted “God Bless America” to be sung at Major League Baseball games and that is “one of the reasons we haven’t been hit since 9/11.”

Reflecting on recent super storm Hurricane Sandy, the American Family Associations’ Bryan Fischer told his radio listeners that disasters were a “form of judgment on a nation.”

“Because the point is, God will often use a military adversary — like we ran into on 9/11 — God will often use a military adversary to chasten and humble his people for their sin and bring them to a place of repentance,” Fischer explained. “I think this is what was going on on 9/11, the larger issues that God had. The jihadist on 9/11 were the agents of God’s wrath in order to get our attention as a people.”

“Have we learned? I don’t know. I think we’ve learned in part,” he continued. “One of the things we’ve done is we’ve gone to prayer at the seventh inning of every Major League Baseball game in Los Angeles, in New York and during the playoffs, and we pray, ‘God Bless America… Guide us through the night with a light from above.’”

“That’s not something that happened before 9/11. So, that’s one of the outcomes of 9/11. You have tens of thousands of baseball fans converting arenas into centers for intercessory prayer, for God to watch over, bless and guide the United States of America. And I think one of the reasons we haven’t been hit since 9/11 is that we learned that lesson.”
I think what we are learning is that Bryan Fischer needs a nice quiet room with soft walls and no sharp edges or corners. And hopefully we can get him there before he buys the Brooklyn Bridge.


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