Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Price of Deregulation - Mitt Romney style

Not that Mitt Romney has any style but the results of his actions driven by his ideology have been a factor in the unnecessary deaths of 25 people, so far.
One such example is the Meningitis outbreak that so far, has cost 25 people their lives. An additional 344 people in 18 states are suffering from Meningitis, resulting from Mitt Romney’s failure to regulate while serving as Governor of Massachusetts.
From the Examiner:
Records have revealed that a Massachusetts regulatory agency found that the New England Compounding Company had continually failed to meet accepted standards in 2004. Romney failed to act, was it because the New England Compounding Company were contributors to Mr. Romney, and he did not want to bite a feeding hand?
Nothing says responsible government like ignoring life risking negligence, when the company in question is a political donor.
This meningitis outbreak is the result of contaminated drugs, and according to some experts it will get worse.
We were concerned that there might be other medications that might be contaminated coming from that pharmacy,” said Schaffner, who is past-president of National Foundation for Infectious Disease. “The FDA has given us a heads up that that looks to be the case. We’ll have to notify many more patients across the country that they may have been exposed to a fungal infection.
Realistically speaking, this goes beyond a reluctance to bite the proverbial hand feeding his campaign. It’s an example of the extent to which Mitt Romney puts ideology first and sound policy second.
There are some disease outbreaks that cannot be prevented by regulation. No one is suggesting that regulation can create a disease free world. However, this meningitis outbreak could have been prevented. That is what is so infuriating and disgusting about the extent to which deregulation takes precedence over anything else in Mitt Romney’s world.
And somewhere Mitt and his staff have decided that their decision was a cost effective way to get their man elected.


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