Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Updates from Pe' Sla: Help Save Lakota Sioux Sacred Land!,

Today, in the Rapid City Journal and the AP News, the media reported that the Rosebud Sioux Tribe has allocated $1.3 million to purchase the privately owned land, Pe’ Sla, Lakota sacred site. While this is exciting and makes us as a team hopeful, the possible purchase price of all 2000 acres of Pe’ Sla available for purchase is possibly $6 to $10 million dollars. Our Pe’ Sla Campaign team goal of $1 million is intended to supplement the contributions of the 7 Council Fires of the Great Sioux Nation. Yet, we also know that most of the bands of the Great Sioux Nation are made up of communities that are currently living in the poorest counties in the nation. Please continue to fundraise and share our team’s campaign! What if your church was for sale? What if Bethlehem or Jerusalem or your Mosque was threatened by destruction or an auction? What would you do? Help us save our sacred lands!! Pe’ Sla! The Center – The Heart of All That Is! Thank you for all your help! Pilamaye! Sara Jumping Eagle

Can you help?

Thanks for pumping this, Montag....they are down to the final hours. I hope they will be able to save at least a portion of their sacred ground.

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