Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Texas Republican judge Calls For Tax Increase

And to gin up support for it he warns of
Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war, maybe. And we’re not talking just a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.
'Cause when Obama gets re-elected, he is going to turn the country over to the United Nations. Really??? And he needs more money to pay for cops and guns and tanks and whatever they sell to cops these days.
Under Head’s theory, the United Nations would then send in peacekeeping troops to try to quell the violence and that’s where he would draw the line. He vowed to stand in front of the county’s armored vehicle and stare down the U.N. troops if that happens.

“And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said, ‘You gonna back me?’” the judge said. “He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll back you.’ Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”
Maybe I was naive back then, but in my younger days I never remember the John Birch Society, the wingiest of the wingnuts back then, were ever this fucking nuts! Time to bring the troops back from Afghanistan to protect us from these stark raving crazy insurrectos.

Yeah, UN troops invading Lubbock sound like a fine reason to raise taxes. They could even make a movie about it. Call it "Blue Dawn".
If nothing else, he wins the prize for "craziest wingnut of the week".

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