Monday, August 27, 2012

Senile Geezer says raise retirement age to 75

Pat Robertson, who has been suckering the gullible for centuries with his god talk, now wants to punish older Americans who have worked all their lives but not sent him any money.
Evangelist Pat Robertson weighed in the issue of Social Security’s long-term feasibility on The 700 Club Monday, advocating for the mandatory retirement age to be raised past 65 years of age, citing extended lifespans and advances in medicine.

“Consequently [people] should be working longer and they should not begin retirement at age 65 or 66,” Robertson said. “We should be pushing that retirement age up to 70 or 72 and it’s not gonna hurt anybody because people really like to work. There’s nothing worse than sitting in a rocking chair rusting out. Who needs that?”

Robertson’s remarks came after a story by anchor Lee Webb citing a recent Associated Press-GfK poll in which 53 percent of respondents said they would raise taxes to ensure the system can continue, while 36 percent preferred to cut benefits.
Old Pat, who is 82 and senile as all get out, thinks that everyone has a staff of helpers to do everything for them, up to pre-gumming his oatmeal, just like he has. Maybe more of them would have these things if they has not foolishly sent their money to him.


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