Sunday, August 26, 2012

As Ye Flip So Shall Ye Flop

And Mitt the Twit
has just made the second biggest flip flop of his preznitential campaign.
Throughout the Republican primaries, Mitt Romney struggled to distance himself from the health care overhaul he put in place as governor of Massachusetts, which served as a blueprint for President Obama’s health care law Romney has pledged to repeal.

But in the last week, Romney has reversed course and is now touting ‘Romneycare’ in interviews leading up to the Republican National Convention.

“With regards to women’s health care, look, I’m the guy that was able to get health care for all the women and men in my state,” Mitt Romney said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday,” before making sure to attack Obama’s law. “There’s talking about it at the federal level, we actually did something. And we did it without cutting Medicare and without raising taxes.”

“So you’re saying, look at Romneycare?” host Chris Wallace responded.

“Absolutely. I’m very proud of what we did. And the fact that we helped women and men and children in our state,” Romney said.
Expect that he will flip or flop depending on his audience from now until November.


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