Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to feel like a real man at the RNC convention

Raw Story has a post listing the various ways you legally carry your favorite shooting iron to the RNC convention in Tampa so you won't feel inadequate.
In five weeks, the Republican National Convention will get underway in Tampa, Florida — and, due to a state law restricting municipal firearms regulations and Gov. Rick Scott’s (R-FL) unwillingness to provide the city a waiver from that law, legal firearms will be permitted all around the convention center (though not inside of it).

Scott’s reasoning was that, “it is unclear how disarming law-abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law.” However, one need not flout the law to bring a gun to the areas just outside the convention. Due to the nation’s patchwork gun laws, it would be quite easy to have ill intentions and bring a perfectly legal firearm to the convention zone.
Not every one will be able to pack heat so be careful who you challenge if you don't want to be Zimmermaned. But there is one element of Florida law that may help you.
As previously noted, it is illegal under Florida law to carry firearm that is not concealed.


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