Monday, June 25, 2012

Once again activist judges trample on states rights

And as expected it was the wrecking crew of the Dread Chief Justice Roberts with his scurvy gang, Alito, Kennedy, Scalia and the Cabin Boy Thomas whoabused the Constitution like a Bishop with an altar boy.
Citizens United dramatically loosened the restraints on corporate involvement in political campaigns. It also set strict new limits on what's considered "corruption or the appearance of corruption" when it comes to restricting money in politics.

After Citizens United, statutes on corporate money fell in many other states. But not in Montana. There, the state's high court ruled that a flat ban on corporate political spending was justified, based on Montana's history of extensive, corporate-financed corruption in state government, back in the decades around the turn of the 20th century.

The U.S. Supreme Court wasn't interested in that history. In an unsigned opinion Monday, it said there can be "no serious doubt" that Citizens United applies in Montana.
And so the wrecking crew of The Dread Chief Justice Roberts sails off into the sunset, once again having made the world safe for corruption and influence peddling.


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