Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pakistan to re-open supply route to Shitholeistan

After much histrionics and hard nosed negotiation, the Pakis will reopen the supply routes thought their country - for a price.
The cost of the US-led war effort in Afghanistan is about to rise by $365 million annually under an agreement that would reopen a key NATO supply route through Pakistan that’s been closed for nearly six months.

The accord, which the Pakistani government announced late Tuesday, would revive the transport of vital supplies of food and equipment from Pakistani ports overland to land-locked Afghanistan.

In return, the US-led coalition will pay Pakistan a still-to-be-fixed fee of $1,500 to $1,800 for each truck carrying supplies, a tab that officials familiar with negotiations estimated would run nearly $1 million a day. The officials requested anonymity because they weren’t authorized to reveal details of the agreement.
This does not include the payments to the Taliban in Shitholeistan for safe passage in that country. However it will make getting out of that god forsaken place a lot easier.

We should just call it "baksheesh" or whatever language perfect phrase has historically been used to describe the bribes to do business in that part of the world. I say we pay 'em in pennies. Dropped out of the belly of a B-52.

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