Saturday, May 19, 2012

Just how much is enough?

For someone working for minimum wage, the answer is easy, enough is having money to pay for food and clothing and shelter. Anything more goes into the extra category. But what of someone like Wall St. Billionaire and NYC Mayor Bloomie? In all the time his wealth was expanding into the $Billions, did he ever think he had enough? How would he even define what enough is? We do know from his remarks that despite the enormous disparity in what they earn, Mayor Bloomie thinks the people earning minimum wage have enough.
To a few hundred New York workers laboring for $8 or $9 an hour, a living wage bill recently passed by the city council means a raise, a few dollars more a week to help feed their families.

To billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg, it's a wedge to open the door to communism. That's right -- the mayor told a local radio program that requiring businesses that get taxpayer subsidies to pay their workers a little bit more is just like a centrally planned economy. “The last time we really had a big managed economy was the USSR, and that didn’t work out so well,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg is just fine with handing over millions of New Yorkers' dollars in taxpayer subsidies to companies that threaten to flee the city -- no complaints about “free market” capitalism when it's wealthy real estate developers getting the dough. Requiring those businesses that are happily slurping at the public trough to pay their workers a dollar or two more an hour, though, is just opening the door to Stalin.
Really Bloomie, Communism? That is so last century. What is clear is if you believe minimum wage workers have enough then you have far more than enough for your own good. Peeling a few layers off your onion would do you no harm and do the public weal much good.


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