Monday, April 23, 2012

Mitt wants to give more money to the Pentagon

For no good reason that anybody can divine. The military already has so much money that they can fight two needless wars, sponsor planes and ships that can not perform their intended mission and extras like this.
The military claims that its so-called “pain ray,” which causes a sharp burning sensation, is completely harmless. The radiation penetrates less than half a millemeter into the skin and is a different wavelength from that used in a microwave oven. They would like to see the device employed in place of guns for crowd control and counter-insurgency.

“You want to win the hearts and minds,” Colonel Tracy Tafolla of the Pentagon’s Joint Nonlethal Weapons Directorate told al Jazeera. “You don’t want to kill the people that you’re trying to protect.”

Unfortunately — from the military’s point of view — the device has significant limitations. It takes sixteen hours to boot up and loses effectiveness in the rain or snow. But its greatest drawback may be the potential for negative propaganda

“In 2010, it actually was deployed to Afghanistan,” Spencer Ackerman of explained. “And then, very, very quickly, General McChrystal, when he was the commander there, sent it back. He was concerned about the propaganda effects, that the Taliban there would be able to say the U.S. is zapping or microwaving Afghans.”
16 hours to boot up? Hell, I was faster than that getting ready for math class in high school. Of course back then we used pencils and slip-sticks.


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