Sunday, April 22, 2012

In today's religulous news

A group of true Americans has filed a complaint with the IRS regarding the remarks by Bishop Daniel "Old Fat Ass" Jenky.
Americans United for Separation of Church and State has filed a complaint with the IRS concerning a Catholic bishop who sparked outrage by comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Bishop Daniel R. Jenky of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria said the President was “intent on following a similar path” of the two mass-murderers and that his “radical, pro-abortion and extreme secularist agenda” threatened the First Amendment rights of Catholics. He added that “every practicing Catholic must vote, and must vote their Catholic consciences.”

“Bishop Jenky’s intervention in the election wasn’t just extreme and mean-spirited, it also seems to be a clear violation of federal law,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United executive director. “Churches are tax-exempt institutions, and they aren’t allowed to intervene in partisan politics.”

Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code prohibits charities and churches from intervening in political campaigns on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate.
We can only pray that someone in the White House is smart enough to support a full IRS follow up on this complaint.

In other news, nuns fight back against whining by wizened old Nazi.
The leader of a group of US Catholic nuns on Saturday rejected condemnation from a Vatican report that said it defied Church doctrine.

“We haven’t violated any teaching,” Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, a Catholic social justice lobby, told AFP, insisting the group would not stop “caring for the least among us on the margins of society.”

Network was singled out for supporting women’s health rights in a Vatican report this week condemning the main US association ofCatholic nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious(LCWR)...

After the report was published, Campbell said it was “painfully obvious” the Vatican leadership was “not used to having educated women form thoughtful opinions and engage in dialogue.”

“We will keep doing our mission,” she insisted in a phone interview Saturday, saying the group was founded to “lobby, organize and educate” in the name of social and economic justice...

“There seems to the major disconnect, where (the Vatican) seem to think that faith can only lead to one political approach,” Campbell said. The Network group, she said, “speaks for our members, not for a church. Helping others is at the heart of our faith.”
You go Sisters!

(I completely agree the IRS should aggressively pursue the IRS complaint against Bishop Jenky and the Roman Catholic Church)

If the Roman Catholic Church is so concerned about having their taxpayer subsidized business interests such as hospitals and adoption agencies, regulated, perhaps they should consider limiting themselves to good works which can be accomplished solely from their own coffers and funded by the Roman Catholic faithful. For example, the Roman Catholic Church could work to eliminate the terror young African-American males must feel simply walking down a sidewalk and work to eliminate the profiling by others that endangers them. I'm sure Trayvon Martin's family, as well as many others, would be truly grateful.

Unfortunately, I doubt the Roman Catholic Church will do this, so I created a parody website to highlight Bishop Jenky's outrageous comments. I offer no apologies for this offensive retaliation:
I didn't realize the URL for my parody website wouldn't automatically link. Here it is again:

Bishop "Bear" Jenky

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