Sunday, March 25, 2012

When politicians say, Trust us....

Run like hell in the opposite direction and call the police. It is a mortal lock that they are planning to screw you. The latest politician to issue this threat to the voters is the Devil's Own Son, Paul Ryan.
Appearing on two Sunday talk shows, the GOP’s top budget guru Rep. Paul Ryan promised to close enough loopholes to pay for the large tax cuts in his budget blueprint unveiled last week — but he repeatedly refused to specify any.

“We’re proposing to keep revenues where they are, but to clear up all the special interest loopholes, which are uniquely enjoyed by higher income earners, in exchange for lower rates for everyone,” Ryan said on CBS’ Face The Nation. “We’re saying get rid of the tax shelters, the interest group loopholes and lower everybody’s tax rates.”

The plan does not point to any such tax loopholes, nor is it expected to become law. But the House Budget Chairman’s suggested it isn’t his job to specify which ones. His message boils down to this: Trust us, we’ll get to it.
Short version. We will get to it but first things first we got to give tax cuts to our best buddies and, if anything is left, to you.


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