Friday, March 23, 2012

Damn good advice

All the more so because it comes from someone who is privy to the Misogyny Policy that his party has adopted.
Congressman Richard Hanna (R-NY) made a surprising request of women at a rally for the Equal Rights Amendment yesterday. According to a report at Huffington Post, the Republican Representative told women to open their wallets, dig deep and donate their money…to Democrats.

“I think these are very precarious times for women, it seems. So many of your rights are under assault,” he said, “I’ll tell you this: Contribute your money to people who speak out on your behalf, because the other side — my side — has a lot of it. And you need to send your own message. You need to remind people that you vote, you matter, and that they can’t succeed without your help.”...

“This is a dogfight, it’s a fistfight, and you have all the cards,” he said to the group of mostly female rally-goers, “I can only tell you to get out there and use them. Tell the other women, the other 51 percent of the population, to kick in a few of their bucks. Make it matter, get out there, get on TV, advertise, talk about this. The fact that you want [the ERA] is evidence that you deserve it and you need it.”
One of the last of his breed.


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