Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why do rich folk hate democracy?

We all know about the generational hatred from those crazy, greedy krauts, the Koch Brothers. Last night Mayor Bloomie, another of Eastern European heritage, showed us that acquiring unspeakable wealth does not develop a taste for democracy. And now even little Mittens Romney, hardly wealthy by Republican standards, is practicing his disdain for the rights of Americans.
Harmon, a member of the OccupyColumbia movement that’s been staging a running protest outside the South Carolina state House for more than month, went to the Romney rally along with several other Occupiers who are military veterans in the hopes of protesting the VA privatization scheme. They wore their homemade t-shirts questioning the plan underneath bulkier outer shirts.

The Romney organizers seemed to be prepared for something to happen, Harmon said.

“They were actually asking people who were entering if they were with OccupyColumbia, which was strange,” Harmon said. “Once we were inside, they actually escorted in three different groups the other people I was with out. I managed to to stay in.”

When Romney’s remarks turned to health care, Harmon says she took off her outer shirt and exposed the homemade T-shirt underneath.

“I stood there peacefully until somebody came around and asked me to leave,” she said. Harmon said person kicking her out looked to her like a member of the campaign staff.

“They were pleasant enough,” she said. “There were two of them when they came.”
You can see in the picture the fearsome weapon she wore that scared the shit out of our otherwise Brave Little Mittens.


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