Monday, September 19, 2011

Joke of the Day

Oily Titz plans to run for Senate against Diane Feinstein. Given that Oily Titz is about as funny as a pay toilet in a diarrhea ward, it's not much of a joke, is it?

Ooh boy. I can just see the debate, Feinstein looking like her usual immaculate self, and Orly looking like the deranged dingbat that she is.

Slaughter. Complete and total. Feinstein must be hoping and wishing for Orly to be the Republican nominee, rather than someone like, say, Ahhhhnold, who might actually have a chance of winning.

- Badtux the California Penguin
Word verification: "stioned". Which Orly needs to get, totally, 'cause she's way too wound up.

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