Friday, August 19, 2011
A selection of quotes from Molly Ivins
In which the Great Texan takes note of The Coiffure a/k/a Gov. Goodhair. What most Texans want you to remember is that anything Molly said about The Man with The Hair was true. From 2004

You may think the guv's had a rough year – three special sessions on top of the regular session just to pass that misbegotten redistricting bill, not counting the two bolts by Democrats and such minor unpleasantness as having to hack $10 billion out of the state budget.Molly Ivins is dead and Ricky lives. What more proof do you need that god does not exist?
For some, the budget-cutting, aimed mostly at services for desperately needy people, was a painful and even tragic exercise. Especially knocking 250,000 poor children off health insurance.
Fortunately, Gov. Goodhair has a firm grasp on priorities, and when asked his biggest disappointment of the year, he replied: "Aggie football."

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