Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry - A stump's best friend
Because when you put Rick Perry next to a stump he makes the stump look like Einstein. And Ricky did it again today in his attack on a nonexistent evil.

Rick Perry pulled a Michele Bachmann on Tuesday, passionately condemning a policy that does not actually exist.Gov. Rick Perry, the Pride of the Ignorant.
This time round it was over farming issues. "If you're a tractor driver, if you drive your tractor across a public road, you're gonna have to have a commercial driver's license. Now how idiotic is that?" perry told a Des Moines crowd. "What were they thinking?"
As it turns out, Perry's claim is based off a false rumor that was circulating among farmers that the Department of Transportation recently put to rest. The Wall Street Journal reports that the confusion was over a federal review of a proposal by Illinois to require commercial licenses for farmers, but the DOT ultimately concluded -- as Perry did -- that "the common sense exemptions that allow farmers, their employers, and their families to accomplish their day-to-day work and transport their products to market" should not be tampered with by states.
"We have no intention of instituting onerous regulations on the hardworking farmers who feed our country and fuel our economy," DOT Secretary Ray LaHood's said in a statement responding to Perry's claim.

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