Tuesday, August 16, 2011

$3.7 Trillion but for you, marked down to $3.698 Trillion

That is just one estimate of the true cost of the Two Bush Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nobody really knows for sure how much has been spent directly on the two useless conflicts, don't even ask about the indirect costs. McClatchy made an effort to find out.
When congressional cost-cutters meet later this year to decide on trimming the federal budget, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq could represent juicy targets. But how much do the wars actually cost the U.S. taxpayer?

Nobody really knows.

Yes, Congress has allotted $1.3 trillion for war spending through fiscal year 2011 just to the Defense Department. There are long Pentagon spreadsheets that outline how much of that was spent on personnel, transportation, fuel and other costs. In a recent speech, President Barack Obama assigned the wars a $1 trillion price tag.

But all those numbers are incomplete. Besides what Congress appropriated, the Pentagon spent an additional unknown amount from its $5.2 trillion base budget over that same period. According to a recent Brown University study, the wars and their ripple effects have cost the United States $3.7 trillion, or more than $12,000 per American.

Lawmakers remain sharply divided over the wisdom of slashing the military budget, even with the United States winding down two long conflicts, but there's also a more fundamental problem: It's almost impossible to pin down just what the U.S. military spends on war.

To be sure, the costs are staggering.
Whether you look at the cost as dollars or as unrealized hopes and dreams our country, one thing is clear. George W. Bush and his crew need to be hung, cut down while alive and drawn and quartered with the parts displayed in various locations around the Capitol and White House as a reminder to their successors of the price of failure. And make no mistake, both those wars are failures.

I volunteered again in an e-mail sent to me with bagger type nonsense designed to be credible say the same as you. We're so on the same page with this Mont and that was my point in that problems we have today would not be there if the bush killers and bankers and all the rest of these country rapers would have been held to account.

Of course I was attacked when I did nothing to anyone on the list but they did me. They had to be told to go fuck themselves and I'm sure some are relatives. I don't give a shit if they're the Queen of fucking Egypt there is no backing down from this ever!
Ya Mont-I just got an e-mail from a first cousin who I had asked 4 times before not to send me his shit. It was real long and by the second sentence it was history. Yup even more hate me now but there is no common ground or agree to disagree on issues of such criminality.

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