Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cheap bastard doesn't want to pay anybody

Rep. Joe Walsh R-IL is the kind of person who likes it when money comes in but has great difficulty in letting money go out. For Pinchpenny Joe this was first shown in his many tax liens for which he sought to excuse by hiding behind Teabag rhetoric. Then came his calls for national default. The country should not pay its debts. And now,
One of the most uncompromising members of the Republican tea party, Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), has a personal problem he'd rather not discuss in public: his ex-wife is suing him for over $117,000 in unpaid child support.

While Walsh's lawyer denied that he owes anything near that amount thanks to a stint of unemployment before his surprising election to Congress, Laura Walsh's lawsuit pointed to a $35,000 loan he personally gave to his campaign, claiming that if he had enough for that, he had enough to help support their 9-year-old child.

“Joe has paid himself back at least $14,200 for the loans he gave himself," Laura's attorney wrote, according to The Chicago Sun-Times.

She also asked a judge to revoke his driver's license until he starts making payments. In prior attempts to have him pay-up, she's even gone so far as to ask a judge to garnish his wages.
Given Pinchpenny Joe's record, the judge should garnish his pay. Probably won't happen because of some law Congress passed to protect itself.


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