Monday, July 25, 2011

Along with all the other crooks, we support the Taliban, too

And now details of an unreleased investigation into the scope of criminal activity associated with US contracts have come out. We knew that Talibs took bribes to let trucks pass safely but now we have details of how it all works.
The military summary included several case studies in which money was traced from the U.S. Treasury through a labyrinth of subcontractors and power brokers. In one, investigators followed a $7.4 million payment to one of the eight companies, which in turn paid a subcontractor, who hired other subcontractors to supply trucks.

The trucking subcontractors then made deposits into an Afghan National Police commander’s account, already swollen with payments from other subcontractors, in exchange for guarantees of safe passage for the convoys. Intelligence officials traced $3.3 million, withdrawn in 27 transactions from the commander’s account, that was transferred to insurgents in the form of weapons, explosives and cash.
The military has promised an new transport system that will eliminate the crime and improve the security. This essentially means increased attacks on the supply trucks until a new modus vivendi is worked out with the Taliban. The only way we can stop supporting the Taliban is to get out of a country where we don't belong and don't need to be.

In order to make a profit off a good war, you gotta have at least two sides. So, American taxpayers are funding both sides.
and the sheep bleat fiiiinne wiiiiitth meeeeeee.

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