Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why the United States of America is Fucked

Steve Benen has a post on the Washington Monthly site about Sen. Bernie "The Mensch" Sanders debt and budget proposal. In doing so he puts it in the context of Inside the Beltway "Thinking".
Sanders believes, if there’s going to be a debt-reduction plan, half the savings should come from taxes and half from spending cuts. And some of those cuts should come from the massive defense budget. If you put this to a poll, I imagine a large chunk of the public would consider this pretty reasonable.

With that in mind, think about how ridiculously skewed the debate has become: Sanders’ blueprint is considered so incredibly radical, it’s not even a remote possibility. The Washington Post mentioned in passing this morning that Sanders’ approach simply has “no chance of passing.”

We have a Democratic Senate and a Republican House, but the notion of an equitable, 50-50 split is thought of as fanciful nonsense backed only by liberal extremists. When Republicans demand a 100-0 split in their favor, meanwhile, and failure to do so will mean they cause a recession on purpose, this is somehow just routine and predictable.
After a while even Good Germans accepted the presence of the camps in their communities.

God forbid the top one percent should have to share in the sacrifice.

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