Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Every day, in every way

More and more of Goldmine Sachs criminal activity is being detailed to the public in a way that in the past would usually come out in court testimony. Writing in The Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi lays out from the Levin Committee report just why the top people at Goldmine should be doing time, for perjury if nothing else.

Now we get news that Massachusetts securities regulators have a problem with how Goldmine used information from analysts in dealing with clients in meeting the terms of an earlier legal settlement. And because bad news comes in threes, Goldmine also reveals that the CFTC has them under investigation.

In a perfect world, the Department of Justice under Attorney General Holder would be dismantling Goldmine Sachs as a criminal enterprise. And we would all be living in the Big Rock Candy Mountains.


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