Thursday, April 28, 2011
The wonderful Terror Watch List
That backbone of our defense against terrists has a small flaw. While it may keep you from flying or collecting benefits under the Zadroga Act, there is one small area it does not have any effect over.
More than 200 people suspected of ties to terrorism bought guns in the U.S. last year legally, FBI figures show.For this curious oversight we can blame the National Gundealers Association (NRA) and their bought and paid stooges in Congress who provide their unique style of hysterical opposition whenever a limitation on firearms for the public good is brought up. The public be damned, gun dealers must be able to sell anything to anybody at anytime.
The 247 people who were allowed to buy weapons did so after going through required background checks as required by federal law.
It is not illegal for people listed on the government's terror watch list to buy weapons. For years, that has bothered Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., who is trying again to change the law to keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists.
The secret, fluid nature of the terror watch list has made closing what Lautenberg calls a "terror gap" in the nation's gun laws a challenge. About the same number of people suspected of ties to terrorism also successfully purchased guns in the U.S. in 2009. The FBI provided the new numbers to the Government Accountability Office, Congress' investigative arm, and the figures were obtained by The Associated Press.
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