Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now that the Soviet takeover of elected American governments

Has begun in the Soviet Socialist State of Michigan, it only makes sense that the Supreme Leader would have a means of training his Commissars.
As many as 400 accountants, lawyers, school employees and city workers will start classes in Lansing today on topics including “Dealing with the Unionized Workforce,” navigating municipal bankruptcy and negotiating contracts for sewer, water and other utilities. It’s a “rare” example of preparing people in advance for potential fiscal difficulties, said Michael Imber, a principal in Grant Thornton LLP’s corporate advisory and restructuring services group.

“Management is usually in denial and waits until it’s too late before they reach out, and here was a state saying, ‘We need help,’” Imber said. He is on the international executive board of the Turnaround Management Association and was among about 50 initial graduates of Michigan’s February course. “It enables qualified professionals to walk around cities and towns in Michigan and say, ‘How can I help?’”
Despite all the happy-face words, their task is to destroy American democracy without scaring the natives. No bulluy-boys these people, unless they have to be.


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