Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Karl Rove said attack your opponents greatest strength

And you should do so with your greatest weakness. Remember what TurdBlossom did to John Kerry's military record in support a that shitweasel who deserted his post in time of war? Well now we know why The Donald is so wedded to the birther concept.
Trump was born in South Africa. His father was there on business (buying diamonds) and conceived Trump with a woman he met there. You can see her Dutch genes in Trump, the light reddish hair and very fair skin is Low Country Dutch. Donald Trump was raised in Cape Town according to strict Dutch customs which are very socialistic. (This is where he developed his great relationship with "the blacks.")
So the Greatest Hair the World has ever Known was actually born on South Africa. This should be no impediment to the birthers. After all, Trump is white. He was born in a country ruled by whites. And as a bonus the ruling whites did a good job keeping the kaffirs in their place, something you couldn't say about Kenya. Nope, it won't matter a lick to the birthers.


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