Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A Cost Center of waste and fraud
The Commission on Wartime Contracting has been looking into the oversight, or lack of it, regarding the $Billions of contracts emanating from the Pentagon for troop support.
President Obama pledged nearly two years ago to fix the broken system of awarding and managing federal contracts. But a new report paints a grim picture of the government’s reliance on the private sector for support in war zones and urges a series of reforms to prevent more U.S. tax dollars from being wasted.Recommending that a Republican House provide more people with greater authority to examine government contractors who are probably stealing this country blind and kicking back to their GOP "friends", is an impossible dream. A more likly event would be for Obama to declare an end to his shitty little war and bring the troops home.
The Commission on Wartime Contracting concluded that the use of hired hands has become a “default option,” pointing to the estimated $177 billion spent since 2001 on contractors in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a draft of the report expected to be released Thursday. Yet vigorous oversight and management of contractors by the Pentagon, State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development is too often “an administrative after-thought,” the report said.
The bipartisan commission is urging Congress to provide the agencies with more people and authority to control this industrial army, which at times has nearly equaled the size of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
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