Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thank God no one listens to CNN

They are the only news outlet that wants to show Queen Bat Shit Crazy Michelle Bachman's reply to Paul Ryan's reply to President Obama's State of the Union address. No one else wants to see it, not the other networks, not the Democrats or even the Republicans.
CNN's decision to air Bachmann's speech, interestingly, is angering liberals and Republicans alike. Steve Benen notes this morning that Bachmann's Tea Party brew could end up making Ryan's speech look moderate and reasonable in comparison. Both Benen and Atrios also point out that it could create a fundamental imbalance -- two Republicans responding to one speech from Obama -- and that there's no way CNN would allow a liberal Dem to offer a response from the left, as Bachmann is doing from the hard right.

But Republicans, too, have reason to be annoyed about this. Granting such a high profile to Bachmann's Messianic Tea Party air won't help the GOP manage the already difficult task of offering a response that has a chance of competing with Obama's speech.
The President already has a big built-in advantage during State of the Union speeches, and the designated opponent already faces an uphill climb when trying to rise to his stature. Elevating Bachmann, of all people, will likely complicate this dynamic even further.
Our favorite Queen of the Bat Shit Crazy is determined to shit in the punchbowl


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