Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Zadroga 9/11 Bill passes

And it passed by a voice vote. Sadly it still cost $2.Billion to buy off that most UnChristian son of a bitch Tom Coburn.
Dems rounded up the votes they needed to break Coburn's filibuster earlier this week, and spent much of the morning and early afternoon negotiating with him to prevent him from delaying passage of the legislation by several days.

Coburn's price: a reduction of the price tag from $6.2 billion to $4.2 billion.

The legislation would provide first responders with five years of health care coverage and give them fresh access to a compensation fund for people who became ill because of exposure to harmful inhalants at ground zero.
And having done the job he set out to do, Sen Coburn will take a few days off at an Oklahoma puppy mill to kick the old dogs around before they are sold to local Chinese buffets.


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