Monday, October 25, 2010

Republican front group foiled in attempt to run ads without disclosure.

The National Organization for Marriage, a Republican astroturf homophobe group has been stymied in their efforts to run ads in New York in support of Carl "The Mad Douche" Paladino without disclosing the source of their funding.
The group, which calls itself NOM in court papers, is involved in legal fights in several states, seeking to ban homosexual marriages.

NOM wants to run an advertising campaign in favor of Paladino, but the group said it does not want to conform to state election laws that would require it to register as a political committee. If it does register as a political committee in New York, the group would have to file financial reports with the state Board of Elections, listing its donors by name.

Last week, NOM asked Arcara to declare a portion of state election law unconstitutional, but the judge refused today.

The lawsuit is premature because, so far, NOM has not tried to run any of its ads in New York, and the state has not officially declared NOM to be a political committee, the judge wrote in a nine-page ruling.

There is "no evidence" that NOM ever discussed the situation with Board of Elections officials before filing its lawsuit, Arcara wrote.
All they have to do is file as a political committee and reveal who is financing their hateful spew and they can buy all the air time they want. Is it possible that the moneybags behind their hatemongering have some sense of shame?


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