Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Republicans plan to blow the deficit sky high

The Party of No unveiled their plan to make everything OK if they are given the keys to the car again. In Republican speak they want to do it the same old way.
U.S. House Republicans plan to announce a governing agenda that includes a repeal of the health-care overhaul, extension of all Bush-era tax cuts and a reduction in federal spending to “pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels,” according to a draft provided by a Republican aide.
So they want to eliminate the deficit savings of ObamaCare and blow up the deficit some more with tax cuts for rich people who have no need for them and return "federal spending to “pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels". This is also known as totally uncontrolled, deficit bloating spending on all their well connected buddies because their boy W was in the White House then. Since the stimulus/bailout the Party of No has allowed almost no needed spending because they want to see the black guy in the White House fail.

Just another Republican effort to turn up into down and black into white.


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