Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sen. John Ensign awaits his criminal indictments

The junior senator from Nevada probably thought he could evade punishment for his various criminal acts. After all, Diaper Dave Vitter from Louisiana is making a credible run for re-election after having been caught consorting with hookers for the second time in his public life. John must have thought things were looking up when all the main stream media played down the story of his crimes in deference to his Republican connections. Besides, it was way more fun to make a Fox scandal out of the latest Democrat to fart in public. But those days are over thanks to two events that will probably perp walk John before the year is out.

The first was Tom Coburn changing from his position of privilege as a Doctor in his contacts with John to turning over 1200 papers relating to those contacts. And the second was the passage of a Senate resolution.
By voice vote, the Senate approved the resolution that would authorize employees of the Senate to give testimony to a grand jury in Washington.

Senate aides said that the resolution was necessary because Senate rules would prohibit employees from testifying outside of the halls of Congress. The rule was put in place as a way to uphold the Senate's constitutional right under the Speech or Debate clause, which prohibits members of the House and Senate from being prosecuted for work related to their legislative duties.
Things are looking bad for Sen. John "Pussyhound" Ensign so I will remind him of one important thing to remember. In prison the right hair pommade can make all the difference.


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