Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gail Collins has the best definition of derivatives, ever!

According to Ms. Collins:
Try to think of derivatives as being like the Tribbles in that classic “Star Trek” episode. For all of history, there was no such thing. Then somebody found the first ones, which looked cute and made soothing noises. We liked them fine, until the population grew to be worth about $600 trillion. When they got into the financial engine, all hell broke loose.

And there is absolutely no political percentage in allowing them free run of the ship.
And she also noticed Blanche Lincoln's hard left turn on her legislation regarding de-tribble-atives.
So it’s pretty easy to figure out what caused Lincoln’s hard line on financial reform. She is tacking to the left the same way John McCain, struggling in a hot primary in Arizona against a Tea Party-type opponent, is tacking to the right.

But let’s give her credit for never having gotten desperate enough to claim that cars full of illegal immigrants were “intentionally causing crashes on the freeway.” Unlike some former mavericks we could mention.
Interesting times inside the Beltway.


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