Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Texas has some wicked strange Gomers

And one of the strangest is Louie Gohmert R-Bagofhammers. His latest hairball hacked up for the body politic is a blatant effort to save his corporate masters money when they buy the election of Senators.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is calling for a strong re-assertion of states rights against Congress -- in the form of a Constitutional amendment to eliminate the direct popular election of Senators, and go back to the pre-17th Amendment setup of state legislatures appointing them.

"Ever since the safeguard of State legislatures electing U.S. Senators was removed by the 17th Amendment in 1913, there has been no check or balance on the Federal power grab for the last 97 years," Gohmert said in a press release, calling for a constitutional convention of the states. "Article V requires a minimum of 34 states to request a Convention which in this case, would be an Amendment Convention for only ONE amendment."
You see it is a lot cheaper to buy a small number of state senators than it is to bankroll a statewide election campaign. And in most states, the local yokels are harder to displace than a reef full of limpets so the initial investment works longer. Got to admire those Republicans, they are like cockroaches the way they squeeze past any law or regulation that interferes with their agenda.


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