Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obama visits Karzai of the Afghans

And in that time honored display of dominance that Presidents love, gives Karzai one hours notice of a visit in his own country. That, however, was only a mild bitch-slap that did not extend to the purpose of his visit.
The Afghanistan trip was intended to let Obama tell Karzai that he must crack down on corruption and cut the flow of money from poppy production and drug trafficking that is sustaining the insurgency. The U.S. also wants Karzai to halt cronyism and rewards for warlords in government hiring and to create an effective, credible judicial system.

"This is something that simply has to be done," said Obama's national security adviser, Jim Jones. "Both presidents have to be on the same wavelength."

The White House insisted that Karzai's Cabinet participate in most of the meetings with Obama, making the point that Karzai must work with his ministers.
For some strange reason Presidents, past and present, always feel that they can ask a leopard to change his spots. How well has that worked before?

It's worked about as well as bipartisanship.

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