Sunday, February 21, 2010

The logic here is very peccable

Gen Petraeus was talking with NBC Sunday Douchebag David Gregory and gave his position on gays in the military. Notice that he adds confirmation to Adm. Mullens statement that there are and have been gays in the military for a long time.
Gen. David Petraeus has served with gays and lesbians and believes troops may not care if the military's discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy is repealed.

"Do you think soldiers on the ground in the field care one way or the other if their comrade in arms are gay or lesbian?" asked NBC's David Gregory.

"I'm not sure that they do. We'll see," replied Petraeus.

"I served, in fact, in combat with individuals who were gay and who were lesbian in combat situations. Frankly, you know, over time you said hey how's this guy shooting or how is her analysis or what have you?" explained Petraeus.
It all comes down to how well do they do the job at hand. And Petraeus still goes along with the wait and study crowd. Are they afraid that with repeal it will suddenly be pink thongs and ass chaps all around and you don't want to know about the Gay Pride parade grounds?


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