Friday, January 29, 2010
The petitions are in
And with over 700,000 signatures, it looks like the "Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010" will be on the California ballot in November.
The new initiative would allow California residents to cultivate up to 25 square feet of pot and possess or transport up to 1 ounce. It would include fines and criminal sanctions for providing marijuana to minors.Hoo boy, the next ten months should be very interesting. Will Potcremento be the new capitol of Cheebifornia?
The initiative would allow cities to tax pot sales and regulate how much pot can be sold legally. It would permit individual cities to ban local sales but let citizens possess and consume marijuana.
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If it passes, I expect it to do a lot for California's economy. Why, increases in sales taxes from junk food sales alone would suffice to wipe out the state deficit.
- Badtux the Silly Penguin
- Badtux the Silly Penguin
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