Friday, January 29, 2010

Orrin Hatch, Major Mormon Asshole

But I repeat myself. But Sen Hatch is showing himself to be a Mormon or an asshole if you prefer in his latest interview with his home town paper, the Salt Lake Tribune. It seems that the GOP has an unassailable copyright on the reconciliation process and any attempt by the Democrats to use it will result in open warfare in DC.
Hatch said Thursday that using reconciliation would be "one of the worst grabs for power in the history of the country" that would permanently impact relations between the two parties.

"It is going to be outright war and it should be, because it would be such an abuse of the reconciliation rules," Hatch said. "If they abuse those rules it is going to lead to even more heated animosities between not just the two parties, but even between individual senators."
Sen Hatch however has seen fit to vote for reconciliation at least 7 times in the last 10 years, all for GOP favored programs that damaged the economic viability of the US. Sen Hatch can do this because he is a Mormon/Asshole and a Republican. Either qualifies you to be a lying, hypocritical sack of shit.

Word on the street he keeps his teeny girls in a very secure location outside Salt Lick in the hills.
I hope he doesn't use the seer stones Uma and Thurman to find them.

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