Monday, January 25, 2010

Mitch "The Chin" McConnell smoking crack again.

Mitch exhales another cloud

Every time Mitch smokes, he doesn't know his left from his right.
For McConnell, the president's whole problem is that he isn't moderate enough. "The president decided to go hard left," he said. "That's why he doesn't have many of my members. If he chooses to govern in the middle he will have broader support," said McConnell.
The idea that the current GOP would support a black man, even if he were so far to the right as to make DeMint and Inhofe look like liberals just illustrates how willing Mitch is to embrace any lie that will serve his corporate masters. Had Obama embraced his left instead of turning right, Mitch would be looking like a hopeless loser right now.


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